- PC
- PS
- Xbox
- 20000
Fallout 76 Caps PC 2000
$0.42 - 30000
Fallout 76 Caps PC 3000
$0.63 - 40000
Fallout 76 Caps PC 4000
$0.83 - 50000
Fallout 76 Caps PC 5000
$1.04 - 60000
Fallout 76 Caps PC 6000
$1.25 - 80000
Fallout 76 Caps PC 8000
$1.66 - 100000
Fallout 76 Caps PC 10000
$2.08 - 150000
Fallout 76 Caps PC 150000
$3.12 - 200000
Fallout 76 Caps PC 200000
$4.15 - 250000
Fallout 76 Caps PC 250000
$5.19 - 300000
Fallout 76 Caps PC 300000
$6.23 - 350000
Fallout 76 Caps PC 350000
$7.26 - 500000
Fallout 76 Caps PC 500000
$10.37 - 600000
Fallout 76 Caps PC 600000
$12.45 - 700000
Fallout 76 Caps PC 700000
$14.52 - 800000
Fallout 76 Caps PC 800000
$16.59 - 900000
Fallout 76 Caps PC 900000
$18.67 - 1000000
Fallout 76 Caps PC 1000000
What’s Fallout 76 Caps?
Fallout 76 Caps are the main in-game Currency, like in any previous installment of Fallout. They are also often called "Bottle Caps" or "Bottlecaps". Caps are quite hard to obtain, but you will definitely need a lot of them so it's best if you learn how to farm them efficiently. Caps are used to purchase all types of goods, for equipment repairs, and to trade with other players and vendors. Caps run the economy in Fallout 76 so you should try to always have them on your character - you never know when you will desperately need them. Sometimes they can help you make a deal of a lifetime or save your life.
Caps can be found everywhere in the game, looted from monsters, found in chests and Caps stashes. As always there are better and more effective ways then others and some Caps earning methods are completely inefficient. Among the best ways to earn Caps we can list:
1.Grinding monsters - for weapons and armors which can be sold to vendors or salvaged for Crafting Materials;
2.Questing - completing Quests rewards you with quite a decent amount of Caps, though for obvious reasons this option has its' limit - after all, you will eventually complete all Quests, and all you are left are random World Events;
3.Trading with players - you can either farm Legendary equipment, craft ammunition or just collect highly demanded Goods. Selling such Items to other players will give you significantly more Caps when compared to the vendors' buy out prices;
4.Farming Caps stashes - farming them in the Whitespring Resort/Greenbrier Hotel was once one of the most efficient ways of farming Caps in Fallout 76;
5.Farming nuked zones - both for Legendary Loot and expensive resources. This option though will be available only to the highest-level players.
6.Collecting Bounties from PvP - you can earn gold for killing other players in PvP combat, getting Revenges, or collecting Bounties from other players. This method isn't really too rewarding, as you have no guarantees that you will be able to take your opponent down, or find any Wanted players (or well, any player that will be willing to take on a fight with you). Still, it's a method worth mentioning;
Since Caps are literally bottle caps, you can also get them by drinking Nuke Cola, beer, or other beverages. Opening one of these will add one extra Cap to your possession. You should also note that Caps can't be stored or dropped. They have a completely different "counter" which is separate other Items and your standard backpack. There is also a limit of 30,000 Caps per character. Back in the days, players tried to bypass this limit by keeping Caps in form of Nuka Cola bottles, though this method made you over-encumbered and you were unable to Fast Travel, Sprint or play smoothly. On top of the methods listed above, Caps can also be bought from other players. If you are looking to buy FO76 Caps with real money, you should definitely check out Odealo Caps Market. Odealo is the most secure shop for Fallout 76 Caps, where you can Sell and Buy them from other players with the use of real cash. Check out this section to buy cheap Fallout 76 Caps from reliable sellers offering it for sale on Odealo. There are many fast ways to farm and grind Caps in Fallout 76, however, buying them with real money is surely the fastest and most reliable way when you need quick money for Gear upgrades, Repairs, and Meds for your upcoming encounters. Not to mention all those great deals that can slip by if you don't get all the FO76 Caps needed on time!
Buy Fallout 76 Caps
FO76 Caps are extremely useful but can be hard to get in-game, the process of farming are quite torturous and time-consuming even for veteran players. If you want to have a better experience in the game and want to buy more food, weapons, water, materials, etc, then you better make sure you have plenty of Fallout 76 Caps. The fast and easiest way to get more Fallout 76 caps is to buy from reliable store like We are a professional and trustable Fallout 76 Caps seller and can offer cheap FO76 caps for sale so you can get all the caps you need at an affordable price with Safe Trading Guarantee.
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