How To Get Grenade Kills In PUBG?

Posted: 2024-08-15

Posted: 2024-08-15

Source: MMOWOW

Securing grenade kills in PUBG requires precision, strategic placement, and understanding of the game's mechanics. Here is a detailed guide to mastering grenade kills:


1. Understanding Grenades:

PUBG offers different types of grenades, each with its unique use:

Frag Grenades: Deal lethal explosive damage within a certain radius. Effective for killing enemies behind cover or in enclosed spaces.

Molotov Cocktails: Create an area of burning flames, causing sustained damage to anyone inside the radius.

Smoke Grenades: Although not for direct kills, they can disorient or obscure vision, allowing for better placement of other grenades or finishing off enemies.

Focus on mastering Frag Grenades, as they are the primary tool for explosive kills.

2. Preparation and Positioning:

Inventory Management: Always carry a few grenades. In a competitive match, having 2-3 grenades can make the difference.

Positioning: Grenade kills are most achievable in close-quarter battles, such as urban environments, buildings, and bunkers. Use cover and stay aware of your surroundings to determine when to switch to grenades.

3. Effective Use of Frag Grenades:

Timing the Explosion: Frag grenades in PUBG have a 5-second fuse. Learning how to "cook" grenades is key. Hold the grenade before throwing to reduce the enemy's reaction time and ensure they have less chance to escape the blast radius.

Hold the grenade for 3-4 seconds before throwing to maximize effectiveness.

Throwing Distance and Arc: Use the trajectory indicator to estimate where the grenade will land. Adjust your throw based on the distance and height of your target. Use underhand throws for closer targets and overhand for longer ranges.

4. Tactical Placement:

Corners and Cover: Enemies often hide behind cover during firefights. Toss grenades around corners or over cover to flush them out or secure kills. Predict where the enemy might retreat or take cover, and place the grenade there.

Buildings: Grenades are highly effective inside buildings. Toss grenades through windows, doors, or stairwells to clear rooms or force enemies into a vulnerable position.

Vehicle Explosions: If enemies are hiding in or around a vehicle, use grenades to blow up the vehicle and secure a multi-kill. Two grenades are usually enough to destroy most vehicles.

5. Combining Grenades with Gunplay:

Disabling Enemies: If you damage enemies with gunfire but can't finish them off, throwing a grenade in their direction is an effective way to secure a kill, especially if they take cover to heal.

Finishing Knocked Players: Frag grenades can eliminate knocked enemies hiding behind cover or in buildings where gunfire may not reach them. Toss the grenade near their position to ensure they are fully killed.

6. Psychological Tactics:

Forcing Movement: Often, the sound of a grenade landing near an enemy will force them to move from their cover or defensive position. Predict this movement and be ready to engage them with gunfire as they escape the blast.

Using Decoy Throws: Sometimes, faking a grenade throw (i.e., switching to a grenade but not throwing it) can cause enemies to panic and reveal their position. Use this tactic to gain an advantage in combat.

7. Map Awareness:

High-Density Areas: Places like Erangel’s School, Pochinki, or Sanhok’s Bootcamp are prime locations for grenade kills due to the abundance of buildings and cover. Ambushes and close-quarter engagements are frequent, giving you more opportunities to use grenades effectively.

Choke Points: Bridges, narrow alleyways, and tight corridors are excellent places to secure grenade kills. Enemies in these locations have limited options for escape, making it easier to predict their movements and place your grenades accordingly.

8. Game Modes and Grenades:

Classic Mode: In the final zones, grenades become a crucial tool due to the shrinking play area. Enemies are more likely to be grouped together, often behind cover, allowing for better opportunities to secure kills.

TDM (Team Deathmatch): This mode allows for faster-paced grenade practice in smaller maps with more frequent respawns. It’s a good way to practice grenade timing and placement under pressure.

9. Common Misconceptions:

Overcooking the Grenade: Holding the grenade for too long will cause it to explode in your hand, leading to a self-kill. Time your throws carefully to avoid this.

Underestimating the Blast Radius: Enemies at the edge of the grenade’s explosion can still take significant damage or get knocked down. Even if the kill isn’t immediate, follow up with gunfire.

Final Thoughts:

Getting consistent grenade kills requires patience, practice, and a deep understanding of how to time and place your throws. By predicting enemy movements, mastering grenade cooking, and combining your throws with tactical gunplay, you can effectively secure kills and dominate key engagements in PUBG.

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