How To Increase Accuracy In PUBG?

Posted: 2024-08-01

Posted: 2024-08-01

Source: MMOWOW

In PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG), accuracy is a fundamental skill that can significantly influence the outcome of your matches. As a battle royale game where precision can mean the difference between victory and defeat, honing your accuracy is crucial for every player.


Increasing accuracy in PUBG requires a multifaceted approach that includes optimizing your settings, refining your aiming technique, and employing effective in-game strategies. Here’s a detailed guide to enhance your accuracy in PUBG:

1. Adjusting Game Settings

Sensitivity Settings

Mouse Sensitivity: Lower sensitivity settings generally improve accuracy as they allow for finer control of your aim. Experiment to find a balance where you can make precise movements without being overly sluggish.

ADS Sensitivity: Adjusting your aim-down-sights (ADS) sensitivity is crucial. Lowering it can help improve precision when aiming down sights, especially at longer ranges.

DPI Settings: Set your mouse DPI (dots per inch) to a value that complements your in-game sensitivity. Many players prefer a DPI between 400 and 800 for better control.

Graphics Settings

Resolution: Higher resolutions provide a clearer view, which can help with aiming. However, ensure your system can handle the resolution without affecting performance.

Render Scale: Keeping the render scale at 100% maintains the game's clarity and helps in spotting enemies and aiming accurately.

Texture Quality: Higher texture quality can improve the visibility of enemies and the environment, aiding in better aim.

2. Practicing Aiming Techniques

Aim Training

Aim Trainers: Use aim training software or maps designed for PUBG to practice your aim. These tools offer various scenarios to improve reaction times and accuracy.

In-Game Training: Spend time in the game's practice range or custom matches to get accustomed to the different weapons and their recoil patterns.

Recoil Control

Recoil Patterns: Understand the recoil patterns of your preferred weapons. Practice controlling these patterns to maintain accuracy during sustained fire.

Vertical and Horizontal Control: While shooting, compensate for the recoil by pulling your mouse downward and to the side opposite of the recoil direction.

3. Using Effective Equipment

Mouse and Keyboard

Mouse: Invest in a gaming mouse with adjustable DPI settings and a comfortable grip. A mouse with additional buttons can also enhance your in-game control.

Keyboard: Ensure your keyboard is responsive and comfortable for extended gaming sessions. Mechanical keyboards are often preferred for their tactile feedback.

Mouse Pad

Large Mouse Pad: A larger mouse pad allows for more precise movements and is especially beneficial for low sensitivity settings.

4. Developing In-Game Strategies

Crosshair Placement

Head Level: Keep your crosshair at head level to increase the likelihood of landing headshots, especially when moving around corners or engaging enemies.

Anticipate Enemy Movement: Aim where you expect the enemy to be, rather than where they are currently. This anticipation improves your chances of landing shots.

Shooting Techniques

Burst Fire: Use burst fire for improved accuracy at medium to long ranges. This technique helps in managing recoil and landing more shots on target.

Single Shots: For precision shooting, especially with rifles, consider firing single shots or short bursts to maintain accuracy.

Movement and Positioning

Cover and Concealment: Position yourself behind cover and use it to your advantage. Avoid standing in open areas where you are an easy target.

Positioning: Move strategically and use the terrain to your advantage. Elevated positions often provide better visibility and accuracy.

5. Enhancing Reflexes and Reaction Times


Regular Practice: Consistent practice in different scenarios helps build muscle memory and improves overall accuracy.

Reflex Exercises: Engage in activities or exercises that enhance your reflexes and hand-eye coordination.
