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    Posted: 2024-02-29

    Here are the five best supports you should be playing alongside the newest marksman champion in LoL, Smolder. Smolder is the latest ADC to set foot in Summoner’s Rift. The champion, despite having a relatively easy kit to master, requires strong fundamentals and a good understanding of how to play around his weak early game. Farming consistent stacks while not bleeding out advantage requires skills but also a good support. In this list, we will be covering the five best supports for Smolder in its current form in LoL. The list can be dynamic and subject to changes, so we’ll make sure it’s always up to date. There are, however, some champions that have synergizing kits and will always work (unless they are incredibly weak in terms of numbers). Without further ado, let’s jump right into the best supports for Smolder. MAOKAI – THE META PICK Maokai works with nearly every single ADC, and Smolder is no exception. Thanks to his crowd controls and ability to lock down targets, he can both engage and peel for Smolder in every single trade or skirmish. On top of that, he can abuse his saplings to grant extra vision, making it hard for Smolder to be susceptible to ganks. He will be getting nerfed soon, though, so take advantage of this pick now as much as possible. JANNA – THE BEST ENCHANTER Janna is the best pick when it comes to playing an enchanter with Smolder. This is because she has the best peeling potential currently and multiple tools to prevent the ADC from getting caught or taken down. Whether it’s the shield, tornado (Q), or ultimate, she can make sure Smolder can survive the enemy threats and dish out damage as he pleases. You will lose a bit of laning power, though, but you’re not looking to play aggressively with Smolder anyway. MILIO – THE JANNA ALTERNATIVE If you’re not proficient with Janna, then we can recommend playing Milio as Janna’s enchanter alternative. The support offers similar tools in terms of peeling power, although the disengage potential is not as strong. That said, Milio offers additional damage and gives Smolder the ability to auto attack from a longer range with the Cozy Campfire. It’s not a big bonus but it can matter in specific scenarios around the key teamfights. Regardless, focus on farming and scaling to the later stages of the game: that’s when this combo really starts to shine. KARMA – PUTTING MORE LANE PRESSURE Karma, compared to the two picks on this list, wants to protect Smolder by constantly putting pressure on the enemy team. Poking and harassing so that the opponents cannot engage in trades with the ADC is the logic behind this pick. It’s a bit harder to do consistently since it depends on the matchup, but Karma is a decent option to play alongside Smolder, especially now that she abuses Malignance to have multiple empowered abilities on a short cooldown. THRESH – ONE OF THE BEST ENGAGE SUPPORTS WITH SMOLDER If you want to play something more tanky and similar to Maokai, then look no further than Thresh. His kit is one of the most versatile in the game, offering both engage and disengage options. The best thing is that with both Smolder’s E and Thresh’s lantern, the chances of the ADC getting shut down are quite low. That said, you need to be mechanically proficient at this champion, so make sure to fully master it before playing it in your ranked games. These are the 5 best supports for Smolder to play in season 14 of League of Legends! Did we miss any? Let us know! Visit our website MMOWOW to purchase League of Legends Accounts at the cheapest rate on the web. We offer quick delivery, safe payments, and 24x7 chat support.